Zoe Saldana in Calvin Klein Lingerie

After so many years being underrated, Zoe Saldana has becoming one of the hottest actress in Hollywood after her breakthrough in Star Trek and Avatar. She is now putting herself among the successful Latina actress such as Eva Mendes or Salma Hayek. Although born in U.S. she has the Latin blood from her Dominican father and a Puerto Rican mother.

Now, if in Avatar we saw Zoe Saldana as the blue skinned alien, Neytiri, in this post we can enjoy her in black and white lingerie pictorial. These pictures were taken from Calvin Klein's promotional for their new underwear, and Zoe Saldana is now officially a Calvin Klein's girl.

Zoe Saldana's Biography:

Full Name: Zoe Yadira Zaldaña Nazario
Born: June 19, 1978 in New Jersey, United States
Height: 5'8" (1.73 m)
Measurements: 33 - 25 - 36
Movies: Get Over It, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, The Losers
Hits: Star Trek as Nyota Uhura, Avatar as Neytiri

  • Zoe Saldana says she's a sci-fi geek who just happens to dress nice.
  • She is often mistaken for Thandie Newton (Mission: Impossible II). Even her own mother once mistook the two of them.
  • On June 30 2010, it was announced that Zoe Saldana was engaged to her boyfriend of 10 years, actor and CEO of My Fashion Database Keith Britton.

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